So in a rare expedition without the baby, I went to the mall last week to enjoy one of my favorite pastimes. Drinking coffee and reading magazines and books without buying them at Barnes & Nobles. I know, it's not totally kosher, but I do purchase a coffee, right? I don't know what it is about that place, but I could spend hours there. Anyhoo, I really made this an out-of-the-house event and went so far as to put on a new/used pair of jeans from Goodwill with the smug satisfaction of paying $8 for a $60 pair of Gap jeans. Well, my smugness wore off as I walked into Barnes and Nobles. I set off the alarms walking INTO the store. The guy behind the counter looked me up and down and said "Are you wearing new jeans?" I blushed, and said no. He held out a pair of scissors and said "Go to the bathroom and cut out the tag, I bet your jeans are new." Oh boy was I embarrassed. I thought about explaining that no, they aren't new, they are new/used, but that would be rambling, which is also embarrassing. I hung my head and took the scissors. Sure enough, their previous owner apparently never walked through those store detector thingies, cause there it was, the security tag. Oy.
Here's the real kicker. That was the first AND last time I'll ever wear those jeans. I gathered up about 6 bags of clothing, shoes, and purses to give to the Salvation Army. Well, of course I didn't get the bags out the night before, so the morning they were coming to pick up the stuff I was scrambling to get it all out on the curb before 7:30 am. If you haven't guessed by now, I put my new/used favorite jeans out. How? I don't know. I don't remember doing it, but I must have stuffed them in a bag last minute somehow. I guess my inner gloating over such a great find really came around to bite me in the ass!! Who knew there was smug karma???
p.s. here is a picture of the jeans. obviously NOT on me :)