Yesterday was Rowan's birthday. She's 4 years old! How does this happen so quickly? One minute they are tiny babes in my arms, and the next minute they are blowing out four candles on their birthday cake. I remember when Fletcher was born, my mother-in-law warned me. She told me that one day you'll be holding your son in your arms, and the next day you'll be holding your son's son. I can see now how those years can slip through your fingers so quickly. It makes my head spin to think how the years have flown since Fletcher was born!

We had a small party for Rowan, and invited family friends instead of "school friends." I just love those types of parties so much. The kind where you look around and don't have to wonder what that kid's name is, or passing out goodie bags full of candy after big helpings of cake and ice cream. We didn't make the children gather around to watch Rowan open the presents. I didn't have games planned, and there were no official activities. I didn't even gather everyone to watch her blow out the candles, I just brought out the cake and started singing, and everyone just joined in. It was relaxed, and fun for everyone. I wish I could get away with these kind of parties for the rest of their childhood! Maybe I can, maybe I can.
Rowan let me take a few pictures of her on her birthday yesterday. I bribed her with promises to pick as many purple iris as her little heart desired.

She's a spunky one, this girl. She gives me a run for my money every day, and challenges nearly everything I say. She's a limit pusher. Her nickname is "Cheeky" for those reasons. She adores flowers, especially the purple hued variety. Picking weedy bouquets is her favorite. She loves to dress up, preferably as a princess. She loves to wear dresses, but is just fine with a hand-me-down Star Wars shirt. Her favorite foods include pizza, every kind of fruit, yogurt, and pasta with meatballs. She tolerates most vegetables, but really dislikes carrots. She likes broccoli a lot. She much prefers almond milk to cow's milk. Purple is her favorite color, but pink and yellow are pretty nice. She colors and paints the most beautiful pictures. She draws me A LOT. She begs me to let her stitch with me every time. She frustrates Fletcher to no end, but he also loves her, and I'm always so impressed with how well they can play together. Sometimes. She prefers Mama to read her nighttime books and tuck her into bed, but that could change any day now. She loves to help in the kitchen, whether I'm cooking, baking, or just cleaning up. She loves makeup, nail polish, and jewelry, but will let a caterpillar crawl up her arm, dig in the dirt, and kick a ball around. She is constantly humming and singing (currently the Frozen soundtrack- oy!) and the day she goes to ballet/tap class is her favorite day of the week. She is begging for a puppy, but would be happy (for now) with a fish that she could name "Precious Smart Leafy Eats." She's the best neck hugger around, and when she smiles at you it's like the clouds parting on a rainy day.

She's my best girl.