
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

black thumb

My mom always kept beautiful indoor plants all year long.  Some plants would rotate out back into the sunshine come summer, and some would stay inside.  But they always stayed alive.  At least they usually did.  She has had some of the same houseplants for as long as my memory stretches back.  My mom has a green thumb.  I do not.

I can limp along an outdoor garden in the summer.  I always plants herbs and some vegetables, and I can keep those (mostly) alive.  But indoor plants tend to suffer at my hands.  But recently I have tried my hand at a couple of succulents, and they are almost fool proof.  So I've gotten a little brave.  We took a trip to Lowe's over the weekend, and when I walked past the plant aisle, I just could not resist.  Maybe it's the winter and wish for more green in my life.  Or maybe I'm just slowly, year by year, turning into my mother.  It's a mystery!

So I just went for it.  Dove right in, picking out pretty little plants here and there, trying to pick the plants that the tags said required the LEAST amount of care.  Fingers crossed!  I also fell in love with this ranunculus, which will need to be planted outside when the ground thaws.  I may have to include it in my night-time prayers to make it that long!  Because as I type, the winter wind is howling, and we are getting a new coating of powdery white snow.
 Fletcher picked out the cactus.  He begged for it, actually; kept going back to it, and I had to keep telling him not to touch it.  So I have a partner in keeping these plants alive.  Fletcher and I will be working on our green thumbs together.


  1. Oooh - I think a pretty ranunculus can bright up a room, just bought a bunch yesterday! :-)

  2. YES, yes, yes. I want to fill my house with plants. And I want them to LIVE, too! Haha.. I've finally gotten in the habit of watering so I think it may just work out.. By the way, ranunculus? I love them so, so, so much. Hope that ground thaws soon!

  3. They are all so beautiful...but I have given up on indoor plants. I can't take care of them and my husband forgets. We also have too much clutter.

  4. Ruthie, those are BEAUTIFUL!!! Maybe you could name the cactus "Auntie K." Ha! I remember your Mom's spider plant in the bathroom. Good luck with this new green adventure. So happy your sweet boy is helping you out!

  5. I am sooo with you on this, I have 4 wilting herb plants on my balcony :( Sad but true .. I am going to try again this year but I must say I do not have much luck with plants ... but the good thing about it all .. is you do not give up you just keep trying! :)

  6. I'm exactly the same, cursed with my houseplants and sometimes I even give them to my mom for a while to nurse them back to health. I don't know what it is, but I hope you find your green thumb this time!

  7. So pretty! I would have had a hard time turning down that ranunculus too. Sadly though I have a very, very black thumb. It is so sad and drives Brian crazy. He'd love to have pretty alive plants in our house. Sigh...maybe someday. You'll have to keep us posted. I want to see what you do with your succulents.

  8. So pretty. You will enjoy and not all my plants lived forever. Remember that Paul had a grew-to-be-huge cactus which I killed one summer by putting it outdoors and sunburning it. One of my bad parenting moments. I also couldn't keep African violets alive.

  9. Oh good luck!! I am horrid at all manner of plant tending. I have managed to keep the ivy cuttings from my mother & two sweet basil plants growing since summer, but its touch and go. Fingers crossed for you!!!

  10. I was just about to suggest African violets in a window, but...if you're turning into my sister, I'd better keep those for myself. I'm proficient in their care, but your Mom puts me to shame on a LOT of things.


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